The warning from future Barry has already made its way to Central City in The Flash #751. And Barry’s friend,
Blackwood: The Mourning After #2
The students have crafted a morbid and dangerous plan in Blackwood: The Mourning After #2. Even if their intentions are
X-Men #8
The New Mutants are front and center in X-Men #8. But this might not be the attention they really want
Superman #21
Superman is maybe the only one who can stop Mongul in Superman #21. With the United Planets fighting amongst themselves,
Spider-Verse #6
Spider-Zero has found Annie May in Spider-Verse #6. And she has assembled Miles and many other Spidersonas to help get
The Flash #750
Barry tries to get back to a sense of normalcy in The Flash #750. Commander Cold has sacrificed himself to
Skyward Sword HD
While we did not get an update on Breath of the Wild 2 from Nintendo Direct, we did get a
Sword Master #9
Lin Lie and Ji Shuangshuang are trying to get Ji’s home in Sword Master #9. But it is a little
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #13
We get to visit Kendra’s home in Jamaica in Buffy the Vampire Slayer #13. This issues focuses on her origin
Batman #90
Catwoman’s secret is finally coming back to haunt her in Batman #90. And it’s a secret that could drive her