The Flash #754

Barry has had to recruit his worst enemy from the past to save Time itself in The Flash #754. Meanwhile, Paradox continues to use Godspeed to travel through time to absorb paradox energy. But no matter how much energy he absorbs. And home many past Flashes he erases. The Flash is always the hero. Unfortunately, Thawn’s solution to the Paradox problem may be farther than Barry wants to go.

It was the greatest battle

The Flash #754

The Flash Age saga continues to speed toward conclusion. I thought the twist to use Thawn as Barry’s only option was brilliant. Its hard to see a conclusion to this whole situation in which Barry does not compromise his morals. This makes me anxious to see what Williamson is going to do. I hope that the end to this arc is as good as the build up has been.

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Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Rafa Sandoval
Colors: Hi-Fi Letters: Steve Wands

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