The Flash #753

Paradox is doing more and more damage to the time stream in The Flash #753. But Barry has escaped the fake Heaven Paradox built to contain him. And now Barry must find a way to know the truth about how Paradox was defeated in the first place. Unfortunately for Barry, all roads to defeating Paradox lead to Eobard Thawne.

The fastest man alive.

The Flash #753

I’m not going to try and think too hard about this entire story arc. Time travel can be impossible to really wrap your mind around. But, I have to say, this was really pretty cool. It leaves you with a ton of questions and things to really ponder. If you’re a fan of anything time travel related, this story arc is a must read. Paradox really lives up to the name.

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Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Howard Porter & Brandon Peterson
Colors: Hi-Fi Letters: Steve Wands

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