Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14

The Hellmouth is closed in Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14. And Buffy has to now work to get things back to normal. Well as normal as Sunnydale can be. There are now two Slayers. And Robin is suspended indefinitely from being a Watcher. So Giles takes on duties for both Kendra and Buffy. But can Buffy handle life without Willow and Xander?

Just push through

Buffy the Vampire Slayer #14

To be honest, I’m not sure how I’m going to handle the absence of Willow and Xander. That’s the problem with a sort of re-boot of a know series. Unfortunately, you get in your head how the characters should interact and where the story is going. But it is good to take a new look at familiar characters and settings. I like what Bellaire is doing so far. I hope the story continues to build from here.

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Writer: Jordie Bellaire Artist: Julian Lopez
Colors: Raul Angulo Letters: Ed Dukeshire

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