The Flash #751

The warning from future Barry has already made its way to Central City in The Flash #751. And Barry’s friend, August, is working for Paradox to destroy the Flash Family. Can Flash persuade Godspeed to fight against Paradox and save them all? Also, can Commander Cold’s files help Iris find a way for Flash to defeat Paradox all together. What she finds in not good news for anyone. And she may already be too late.

I know what I'm doing.

The Flash #751

This issue was a lot better than I anticipated after reading the previous. I know superhero comics have to go from crisis to crisis fairly quickly to keep the action moving. But I thought this transition from one big villain to the next was too short. I’ll admit, I think I was wrong. I love the twists Williams threw into this issue. Things look dire though, so I hope the progression isn’t too fantastical to believe. Even in a super hero comic.

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Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Christian Duce
Colors: Luis Guerrero & Hi-Fi Letters: Steve Wands

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