The Flash #750

Barry tries to get back to a sense of normalcy in The Flash #750. Commander Cold has sacrificed himself to get Barry back home. But everything seems to be settling back into place. Kid Flash is with the Teen Titans and Avery is working in China. Iris and Barry are back on solid footing. And Barry is back to work at the crime lab. Everything seems good until Godspeed shows up warning about Paradox. Should Barry continue to search for answers or drop the entire search all together?

Who is the Paradox?

The Flash #750

I was ready for a new arc for the Flash for a while. This historic issue 750 was released as an 80 page giant. With several different stories inside, I chose to focus on the main story that will continue in the regular Flash series. I was a good transition issue. It may honestly move a little too fast. Dragging the story out is one thing but every issues doesn’t need to be a brand new crisis. Overall though, the issue was really good. Sandoval’s art is amazing and I loved the Flash appreciation spread out through the issue.

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Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Rafa Sandoval
Colors: Arif Piranto Letters: Steve Wands

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