The Last God #5

The group has reached the Pinnacle in The Last God #5. Hoping to rally the strength of the Guild Eldritch in the fight against Mol Ulhtep. They almost didn’t make it inside with the Flowering Dead catching up to them on the bridge. But Eyvindr saved them. And now they are safe inside the stronghold of the Pinnacle. But that may not last, as the secret of the strength of the magical walls is revealed by Shyf, a powerful sentient weapon created by the guild. That secret may be too much for the Valko and Eyvindr to tolerate.

Skol leads the team inside the Pinnacle

The Last God #5

This issue is by far my favorite so far. There is already a ton of awesome backstory you can dive into in the previous issues. From maps of Cain Annun to Songs of the different races that dwell in it. But in this issue, we get the main back story of the gods of Cain Anuun, and what brings the group together in the first place. Both 30 years ago and now. The goal is the same. But this time Mol Ulhtep must be stopped for good. Or he will tear apart everything Ang Luthia created.


Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Riccardo Federici
Colors: Mat Lopes Letters: Tom Napolitano

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