Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1

Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1 takes place several years after the last miniseries, Six. Ricky and Marcy are constantly on the run. They are looking for others who may have escaped from Hawkins Lab once it was shut down. But they have to be sure to not get on the radar of the authorities. Ricky can use his mind manipulation ability to help them where needed. And they may have found a surprising survivor that they have to track down.

Marcy and her new friends
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1

This series has everything I was hoping for after reading Stranger Things: Six. It continues the story with Ricky and Marcy trying to keep their lives together after escaping the Hawkins Lab. This is another 4 issue miniseries in the Stranger Things universe. While it is unclear if any of this story will come up in the Netflix series, it is well worth the read if you are a fan of the show. But I expect them to leave enough open that they can use some references to these events. Eleven made a brief appearance in the last miniseries. So its entirely possible the show and comics could cross over.


Writer: Jody Houser Artist: Ryan Kelly & Le Beau Underwood
Colors: Triona Farrell Letters: Nate Piekos

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