Hell Mouth #4

Buffy and Angel are still stuck in Hell in Hell Mouth #4. And Buffy does not trust Angel after finding out that he is actually a vampire. But they are going to have to work together to survive. And it is up to Buffy to realize that before it’s too late. The Hell Mother intends to use Angel’s body and Buffy’s blood to become strong enough to return to Earth. And if Buffy continues to reject Angel’s help, she may just get what she wants.

Better to rule in Hell than serve above.
Hell Mouth #4

I’ll say again, this big event seems a little rushed in this new Buffy universe. No, not a little rushed. A lot rushed. I would have much preferred each series get a more established and let the new atmosphere settle around the characters. But it is doing enough to keep my interest. I’m a bit more of a fan of the Angel series than Buffy. This was the opposite when the show was on. But I’m looking forward to the dust settling and seeing where these series go after this crossover. Carlini’s art is some of the best on either series. I hope to see more in the Buffy comic in the future.

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Writer: Jordie Bellaire & Jeremy Lambert Artist: Elenora Carlini
Colors: Mattia Iacono Letters: Ed Dukeshire

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