Willow #1

Willow is finished with her study abroad program in Willow #1. But she still doesn’t think she is ready to face Sunnydale after losing so much. Instead of rejoining Buffy and Giles, she embarks on a bus to anywhere her cash will get her. Unfortunately, the bus leaves her in a little town called Abhainn. What does this mysterious town have in store?

When it was over, I left

Willow #1

Honestly, the whole Buffy reboot with Boom Studios has felt like a jumbled mess to me. I was so excited to see how everything would unfold. But it just isn’t flowing very well for me. Everything seems rushed. Like large chunks of character development was just skipped. I don’t even feel the loss for Willow and Xander like you would from the TV series because their relationship wasn’t developed at all.

That all being said, this was not a poorly written comic at all. The artwork is wonderful. And I am actually intrigued by this mysterious town and what it means for Willow. Nevertheless, this whole reboot has suffered since the launch for me.

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Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Natacha Bustos
Colors: Eleonora Bruni
Letters: Jody Wynne

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