Gwen is trying to make sense of the return of Sue and Johnny Storm in Ghost-Spider #8. So she reaches out to Earth 65’s Reed Richards. With Sue and Johnny returning with their powers, it is curious that her version of Reed is powerless. But the evil Reed from Earth-616 does not appear to have this Reed in his plans for now. Plus, new laws are in place back on Earth 616 that prohibit under aged super-heroing. And this does not sit well with Gwen at all.
Ghost-Spider #8
This is usually one of my favorite reads of the month. But this issue for me was a bit lacking. It wasn’t all bad by any means. I love Earth 65’s version of Reed Richards. And the Evil Reed plot behind the scenes is captivating. What lost me was the outrage for the underage super-hero law. And why she took it out on Peter. That’s probably because I’m an old fart that thinks Super-Heroing should be left to adults. ☺
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Writer: Seanan McGuire | Artist: Ig Guara |
Colors: Ian Herring | Letters: Clayton Cowles |
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