Sony Ends Spider-Man Partnership Deal with Disney

Update: September 5, 2019

I’m guessing this will be the last update until any significant news breaks about the Sony Spider-Man deal. The rumors were really cool, but it’s looking less and less likely that they were true. Or maybe the deal fell apart still. With the pitch meeting already occurring for Sony’s Spider-Man three, an no new official news coming out of D23 it looks like the deal is dead for now. But all hope is not lost.

The good folks over at We Got This Covered are hearing that Sony still hopes to get a deal that would keep Tom Holland and the Avengers together. The deal has a deadline but it’s not until mid-2020. And Sony is all set to move forward with Spider-Man 3 on its own. That deadline, if true, would mean that Sony is probably looking to get a deal done before they start working to film the next Tom Holland led movie. From what they are hearing, signs of a new deal getting done by then are positive. Plus, the benefits of a bond with Sony and Disney are endless with crossover potential.

Update: August 26, 2019

It looks to me like there is a lot of back and forth in the media by Spider-Man team at Sony and Disney to try and sway fan support. I could be wrong but it does appear that negotiations aren’t done and a deal could still get made. Disney and Feige told EW on Saturday that Disney had “told the story they wanted to tell” and they were fine with that. That doesn’t seem likely with the way Far From Home ended. So Sony has also made statements that they weren’t asking for as much as reported. And even saying Spider-Man would be fine without the MCU.

The most interesting rumor I’ve seen was from Bounding Into Comics, which says that Disney made a counter offer to Sony that would keep Spider-Man in the MCU and Marvel would helm and co-finance Spiderverse spin offs and sequels. This seems less likely since D23 has ended and no announcement was made. But, the deal supposedly included a new Spider-Man Trilogy and a Avengers Movie featuring Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four. Also, Tom Holland has stated that the Spider-Man 3 pitch meeting has happened with Sony.


Multiple outlets are reporting that Sony has killed the Spider-Man partnership with Disney, making any further appearance by Spider-Man in the MCU impossible. That is unless a new deal can be reached. I believe was the first to report but if I am mistaken I will update with correct credits. Of course the stalemate between Sony and Disney came down to money. Sony thinks that Disney is asking too much in a reported 50/50 split of financing.  Sony prefers the current deal with Marvel only receiving a small percentage of merchandising from the previous Spider-Man films.

Spider-Man with Cap's SheildIn an update by Variety, there is still hope that a deal is reached. It could be that Kevin Feige is not a part of the movies since Disney already thinks he’s spread a little thin. Fans are reacting at both ends of he spectrum. Some hated the MCU Spider-Man, some can see the next movies being any good with Sony in total control. For me, it would be a total shame if the Spider-Man movies from here on were not going to involve some other MCU characters.


Can Sony Make Great Spider-Man Movies?

Into the Spiderverse was absolutely amazing coming from Sony Animation. And the Venom movie has done really well. Both are reportedly getting sequels. So it is completely possible with Tom Holland and directer Jon Watts back in their roles they could have the same impact Far From Home did. But with Far From Home becoming the biggest Sony film in history, can they risk pulling it from the MCU?

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